IF Colloquium No.20 – Exploring the Origin of the Galactic Center Excess: Dark Matter Annihilation or Millisecond Pulsars?

📣 The Institute for Fundamental Study(IF) realises that science communication is vital for public and country. Most of the time, conversation would normally circulate among scientists. Yet it’s bridging the gap between the science world’s and general audiences is very crucial for the country in this current competitive world.

📌 IF Colloquium is aimed at people interested in wide range physics research such as students, teachers and researchers. We intend to invite scientists to provide insights into their view, including fundamental stuff, application-orientated or interdisciplinary research, and discuss the methodology and findings with the public. The speakers would come from different institutions and countries.

The event will be held on Friday afternoon at 1.30 pm 2.30 pm.
-Frequency: 2 talks/term(but not limited to)
-Language: English

📣 IF invites you to the No.20 IF Colloquium (Online Seminar Series)

📌 Title: ” Exploring the Origin of the Galactic Center Excess: Dark Matter Annihilation or Millisecond Pulsars? ”

📌 Speaker : Chris Gordon, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Above the Bar at School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

📌 Abstract : The Galactic Center Excess (GCE) is a gamma-ray emission observed at the center of the Milky Way. The origin of this excess is still a matter of debate in the scientific community. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: dark matter self-annihilation and an unresolved population of millisecond pulsars. In this colloquium, we will discuss the current state of research on the GCE and the evidence supporting each hypothesis. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities in testing these hypotheses and the implications of the results for our understanding of dark matter and the Milky Way’s central region.

📌 Keywords : Galactic Center Excess, Dark Matter Annihilation, Millisecond Pulsars

📌 IF Channel : https://www.youtube.com/live/yT2GhEYYr40?si=OaS4Gk7_376HIzw9
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